March 8, 2009

Church Shooting March 8, 2009

Today at First Baptist Church of Maryville, Ill, pastor Fred Winters was shot to death while preaching.

"Senior Pastor Fred Winters was preaching during the 8:15 a.m. service when a man entered the church, walked down the aisle and started shooting, a parishioner told FOX News. Four others were also reportedly shot." FOXNEWS

Please pray for this church and his family.

March 4, 2009


While still reading the classic, "the Overcoming Life" by D. L. Moody in Chapter four he says;
"When the ungodly see that Christian people do not, you cannot expect them to repent and turn away from their sins."
Moody then proceeds to walk through five things that flow out of true repentance.
  1. Conviction 
  2. Contrition
  3. Confession of sin
  4. Conversion
  5. Confession of Jesus Christ
I'm surprised and encouraged to hear Moody's boldness from the pulpit. He frequently pleads with the listener to 'repent' and he is clear about what is ment by repent. He must have been a fun guy to listen to, but very straight forward about Truth. At first glance, the title of his book sounds like a modern day 'self-help' book, but with every word I hear it as bathed in Scripture.